Saturday, September 08, 2007

Chucktown Bound

Time to pack the canopy in the minivan and head to the coast for a weekend full of youth futbol. Who knows, there could be some twittering going on over there to your right if anything interesting comes up. Interesting, as in (possibly) trying to outrun a tropical storm, heading West on I-26 Sunday afternoon? We'll see.

Still awaiting word on whether a six pack is, indeed, going to be "delivered." Hey... I'm just sayin'...

Also, please check your feed if you normally got here through Bloglines or another aggregator. We changed to a Feedburner feed a few weeks ago. Wouldn't want you missing out on any of the breaking news and the erudite literary swill that so often blips across your screen.


Live action shot

Live action shotRavenel bridge. The name 'Ravenel' has a entirely new connotation these days.

Lixx is in Charleston this weekend, too. The namesake guitarist
is the originator
of the 'Metal Skool' CD that was introduced to the
G-VegasCrew, and further shared
with various WPBT metalheads

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