Saturday, December 08, 2007

In the Spirit

There was a time when, during the Christmas season, I didn't fully get in the spirit until I heard 'Feed the World' on the radio. I distinctly remember a Christmas Eve a few years ago that I literally said to myself: "It's Christmas, and I have yet to hear Bono croon Well, tonight, thank God it's them, instead of you."

That was before 24 hour radio stations playing Christmas music 25 hours a day. Before the ipod. Before xm radio. Now, there is not a time during the day that I can't hit a button and get a fix of the sounds of the season. I actually did synch up some of my favorite tunes on the ipod yesterday. They are the ones I never hear on the radio, so I wanted to make sure they were accessible when needed:

Fairytale of New York by the Pogues
Merry Christmas from the Family by Robert Earl Keen
Merry Christmas (I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight) by the Ramones
You're All I Want for Christmas by Jump, Little Children

Maybe a few others just for good measure. Heck, I think I'll even need to download 'Feed the World' again if I want to hear it this year.

But, yes, I am in the spirit. Why? Because for the second year in a row, getting elfed is what provides untold internet minutes of Christmassy entertainment.

I highly suggest you go get elfed yourself.

That bit of elfen magic shows that even a couple of two-bit dictators and a dead "revolutionary" can provide that certain holiday spark needed at this time of year for some. If making fun of those lefty heroes offends you...

Merry Christmas!!

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Saturday, December 01, 2007

You're Being Mapped

On the road again for a soccer tournament this weekend, and pulled into the hotel parking lot and saw an interesting vehicle. No, not interesting in that it was a real, live hydro-carbon fueled SUV. Cool because of the thing-a-ma-jigs all over it's roof.

That's a pretty dark picture. Maybe if they haven't headed out before me in the morning, I'll grab a better one. But, you've no doubt seen the street view option in Google Maps. Looks like Microsoft is getting into the game with Windows Live Local. Check it out here.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cum on Feel the Noize

Just read about the passing of Kevin Dubrow of Quiet Riot fame, and it reminded me of a shot or two that I got of him when they played in Greenville last year.

I believe it was the first time I saw them live. I do remember, though, when Mental Health came out and it was pretty huge. All of my metal friends were going to see Iron Maiden in Atlanta at the time, and QR was the opening band.

Bang Yer Hed

Monday, October 15, 2007

Vanity of Humanity

I don't think I'm supposed mention that today is "blog action day" and that that is the reason for my post. You're supposed to just come to the blog formerly known as Low Rollin' for your daily stimulation, and have an activist seed planted in your mind heart. The topic for today's blog action is the environment. Blogs of all stripes are encouraged to write about anything to do with the environment. Of course, the instigators of Blog Action Day surely assume that the usual drivel about "saving the Earth" and whatnot will be written about. You know, a continuation of the slow drip, drip, drip indoctrination of the whacko, lame-brained environmentalist chicken-littles.

That's not how I roll.

So, the former Vice President and Biggest LOSER of the 2000 election had to do something with his life, so he decided to take some boring slide-show about the horrors of fossil fuels and and CFC's on the road. At some point, a documentary film-maker made a movie out of said boring slide show. Boring slide show made into documentary eventually made it to theaters and was the toast of the intellectual elite and Democrat Party fund-raisers. It won trophies at Cannes and the Academy Awards. No surprises there.

Then (and this is really no surprise either), boring slide show presenter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, sharing it with some "United Nations committee on the global warming crisis." No surprise, really, since the Nobel committee has pretty much cemented their legacy of "Peace Prizes" by awarding them to people like Yassar Arafat and Jimmy Carter. Who next? A post mortem prize to Che Guevara? What a joke. Thankfully, there are some smarter people out there, un-willing to drink the Kool-Aid of the moonbat Left.

So to do my little part on the subject of the environment, I make a pledge to you, dear reader. Starting today, until the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize is awarded, I will not recycle a damn thing in my household. Mind you, I did it voluntarily. I had a box in the garage where all the newspapers, magazines, various cardboard boxes, etc. were collected, then I dutifully trudged them down to the local recycling drop-off. Heck, there were even times when there was a plastic bottle or two that went along for the ride.

No more, my friends.

It all goes in the trash can, straight to the landfill.

Happy Blog Action day to you.

Warmest Regards,

Today was trash day at Casa d'Axe. You know what that meant:

The word for today is: Liberating

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Moving Right Along

Some local coverage of the recent poker bust.

Online Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!

This Online Poker Tournament is a No Limit Texas Holdem event exclusive to Bloggers.

Registration code: 7551214

Friday, October 05, 2007

Frist in G-Vegas

I had no idea that we had already come upon the 1st anniversary of the banning of online poker by the U.S. Senate, but someone in G-Vegas is happy about it. Mariachi band happy! Bonus points if you can identify the location of the sign in the comments.

B-Rad and the Axeman would like to give a big shout out to our new readers, all hunkered down around a single laptop, dialed-up all modem-wise because your corporate computers won't allow you to surf the blogs, myspace and

Might we be so bold as to suggest Bloglines or Google Reader?

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day
I plan on taking part in this... stay tuned!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Heard a Vicious Rumor From Your Mama's Tongue

The countdown is on for Thursday night in Charlotte: opening night of the Van Halen reunion tour. Admittedly, I was hesitant when this was announced, as fans of VH have been led down this path a few too many times in the past. I was even hesitant the morning tickets went on sale, wondering whether to fire up Ticketmaster and try to get tickets. While hitting the inevitable reload button quite a few times for the first ten minutes, I was still contemplating not getting any. Alas, when I finally hit the purchase button, there were no regrets.

Sure, it'd be great if it was a full-on reunion with Mike Anthony, but as a fan of the band (and even more so, of the namesake guitarist) since I don't know when, it wasn't something I was gonna miss. I got to see the 1984 tour - the final one with Roth. I got to see the 5150 tour with Hagar on vocals. Though that was a really great show by, essentially, a completely different band, there really is nothing that can touch Van Halen with David Lee Roth.

And by all accounts, the band is sounding and (dare I say it) looking great. I say that because I had tickets for the last "reunion" tour with Hagar, but that date was wiped out due to a hurricane or some other sort of global warming calamity. Probably a good thing, as that tour was reportedly a mess, and Eddie was REALLY a mess near the end of it.

Hearing that and pretty much assuming that he'd never set foot on a stage again had me somewhat regretting putting that guitar over there together.

A setlist, supposedly picked by Eddie's kid, Wolfgang, has me pretty psyched. Some of my favorite tunes from both Fair Warning and Women and Children First are being played. We'll see how it all goes over, and I'll post some sort of report here, for sure. The twitter will probably go live, too. Google Maps is being referenced as I write this and some pre-show entertainment is being planned.

And while on the subject of "the rock," I had the opportunity to see one of my favorite 90's bands play in town last week. Staight Outta York, LiVE played the Bi-Lo Center and, as always, put on a really good show. I've seen them countless times because of a contact hat has since dried up, but never really close to home. So it was cool to see them again - with just a 10 minute drive. They have never failed to impress when a dose of straight up rock is needed. And free tix never hurt the cause.

Here's a few photos from the show:



Not me - I have a self-imposed prohibition on
posting self-pics on the blog. I took the pic, though.

Forgot to mention that I'll be doing my best to drink the beer "provided" by Stb. Thanks again, man. I guess I'll be sharing, too.

Being that this the first show of the tour, the band has been in Charlotte for a few days rehearsing in advance.

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Friday, September 21, 2007


In a few minutes I leave for our company's trash pickup, where we go along the side of the road out in front of the plant and pick up trash. This is a good exercise for everyone to go through, I think, because it teaches you an important lesson.

There are a lot more people out there making a mess of things than there are people willing to clean it up.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

N... N... N... Nineteen

Happy "It's Steerin' Me Balls" Day!

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Saturday, September 08, 2007

Chucktown Bound

Time to pack the canopy in the minivan and head to the coast for a weekend full of youth futbol. Who knows, there could be some twittering going on over there to your right if anything interesting comes up. Interesting, as in (possibly) trying to outrun a tropical storm, heading West on I-26 Sunday afternoon? We'll see.

Still awaiting word on whether a six pack is, indeed, going to be "delivered." Hey... I'm just sayin'...

Also, please check your feed if you normally got here through Bloglines or another aggregator. We changed to a Feedburner feed a few weeks ago. Wouldn't want you missing out on any of the breaking news and the erudite literary swill that so often blips across your screen.


Live action shot

Live action shotRavenel bridge. The name 'Ravenel' has a entirely new connotation these days.

Lixx is in Charleston this weekend, too. The namesake guitarist
is the originator
of the 'Metal Skool' CD that was introduced to the
G-VegasCrew, and further shared
with various WPBT metalheads

Friday, August 31, 2007

Shuffle This

This post brought to you by Scribefire: my first one with this Firefox plugin that allows blogging right from inside the browser. I've been using Firefox for quite a long time now, and I'd go in spurts of customizing it with all of the add-ons available for it, so many thanks to a post a few weeks ago that sent me on my recent tear of getting up to speed with all of the geeky cool web 2.0 stuff out there.

At some point (while, surely, trying to get Twitter to do something else cool), I hit shuffle on the ipod and tapped out the first 20 songs that came up, then looked up the lyrics, as the meme demands.

Without further adieu:

1. It's an alliance... It's another lie... I'd say Fall in love tonight Even if my eyes Even though sometime I'm burning out tonight

2. If you've ever known love, If you've ever known peace, If you've ever known joy Make sure that you are on time

3. Crashed out of the market, out on the floor, Washed up on the shore
Bombed out of the City, out of the door

4. Yeah yeah Rat-tailed Jimmy he's a second hand hood Deals out in Hollywood Got a '65 Chevy, primered flames Traded for some powdered goods

5. She packed my bags last night pre-flight Zero hour nine a.m. And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then

6. Lying beside you, here in the dark Feeling your heart beat with mine Softly you whisper, you're so sincere

7. I've called you so many times today And I guess it's all true what your girl-friends say That you don't ever want to see me again And your brother's gonna kill me and he's six feet ten

8. It's so f%*&@#g hot in here, but the devil doesn't care. The front row will be dripping wet, but satan won't even break a sweat.

9. I wanna run I want to hide I wanna tear down the walls That hold me inside
I wanna reach out And touch the flame

10. I've been hurt, hurt, hurt. Yes, I've been hurt. I've been hurt, like I've never been hurt before

11. Last night. No way I was gonna be left hungry. Then your daddy caught me sneakin out your bed. It's just a game i play, it's just I roll that way

12. I used to love her, but I had to kill her I used to love her, but I had to kill her I had to put her Six feet under And I can still hear her complain

13. I'm gonna kick 'em out. Well I feel pretty good. And I guess that I could get crazy now, baby 'Cause we all got in tune When the dressing room got hazy now, baby

14. By the last breath of the four winds blow Better raise your ears The sound of hooves knocks at your door Lock up your wife and children now

15. Step off the train all alone at dawn Back into the hole where I was born The sun in the sky never raised an eye to me

16. She's got a smile that it seems to me, Reminds me of childhood memories

17. Instrumental (Jeff Beck - the Pump)

18. Ohh-ahh! Ooh, woman and a woman, now the silly games you play, yeah
Wow! Dealin' with your troubles drove me away-eyay yeah

19. I woke up to the angels Singin' in my head You look so good naked next to me
The angel in my be

20. Three is a magic number yea it is, it's a magic number Somewhere in that ancient mystic trinity You'll get three As a magic number

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

The View From Here

Keeping it clean for now, since this is a family-friendly site.

I raise a toast to man (surely, a man) who invented the portable beach cabana. In fact, if you come to the beach with an umbrella in tow, your horses are probably tired of you smacking them with the buggy-whip.

To hell with all of the enviro-alarmists and the global warming warnings.

It's August, and it's hot.

As it should be.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

G-Ville... From a Different Point of View

Some spots around town that I might not look at in quite the same way again.

Good luck, dude.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Thursday Night Drive Game

I'll tell you what....I'm not a huge baseball fan, but you don't have any choice but to enjoy a baseball game at West End Field in G-Vegas. The stadium is awesome. It's a replica of Fenway Park, the home of the Boston Red Sox. Now, if you want to see good baseball....well, you might have to go somewhere else. The Charleston Riverdogs put a hurtin' on the Drive last night, and they're not having a great season overall. Still, the stands are pretty full, and I think that's in part because of the stadium itself, the location, and the general atmosphere. We started out in the County Square parking lot, which is about two blocks or so away from the stadium. My wife's company was sponsoring a cookout, and the burgers were fantastic! As we ate, an ice cream truck from Bloom's grocery store pulled up, and the ladies inside started handing out free ice cream sandwiches. It's just a short walk to the stadium from there, or you can take the trolley. The kids love that stuff. On the way, you pass by Shoeless Joe Jackson's house. Jackson was a Greenville native, and his house was moved to the site during construction of the stadium.
Last night was $1 draft night (they are usually $3-$4) at the tap below the Upper Deck. The Upper Deck is a great feature of the park. You pay a little extra to get up there, but it's a big patio with tables and it's own bar, flat panel televisions, and live music. I couldn't make it past the velvet rope, but I did catch a few bars of some Jimmy Buffet over the sound of the game. I think things like that help out with attendance when a team is in a slump, and attract people who otherwise wouldn't come to the games. This year they also have the Coca Cola dugout, which you can rent out and be right at field level. I've never heard of anything like that before.
We were sitting in right field. It's a small park, so there really aren't any bad seats. Over in right field there is a nice grassy area for people to sit on and for the kids to run around on, and a great playground.
Location is another thing the ballpark has in its favor. It's so close to downtown that you can easily hit a good restaurant and a couple of bars either before or after the game. I would think that would make it a lot more popular with the G-Vegas socialites that might not otherwise want to dedicate their whole night to a ball game.
Being my usual hard partying self, I topped out about 9:30, after the Riverdogs popped two homeruns in a row over the Green Monster, a 30 ft high wall in left field. On the way out of the stadium, we were handed a free loaf of bread, provide by the fine people from Sara Lee. Yeah, I know...sounds weird....but I thought about it on the trolley and the more I thought the better it sounded. I mean, I'll get more use out of that loaf of bread than I would out of a miniature baseball bat, right?
So, overall, a good night out with the family in G-Vegas. It also gave me a chance to meet up with Axe and his family. Axe and the kids stayed for the whole game, and Axe Jr. snagged three baseballs before the night was over.
That's almost better than a free loaf of bread.

(You're) Motorin'

When B-Rad approached me with the idea of killing off this humble corner of the web, I simply replied, "Kill it." I'm glad he decided against it, though I'm not really sure what I plan to do with my newly granted administrative priveleges. I'm not one to pour out my inner-most thoughts to many - much less on the not-so-anonymous web.

Some might be surprised that as a youth, I was a rather rabid follower of the political goings-on in the country. I thought it was good to be up on the issues, and as I was rather youthful, I thought it bode well for my future as a father and such. How ironic, then, that by the time I actually had kids, I could pretty much give a rats-ass what was going on day-to-day in DC. The Clinton years pretty much wore me down, and though it would be a few more years until George W. Bush was elected, by then, I felt that things were looking up. After all, adults were back in the White House. Don't get me wrong, I vote in the elections (to include primaries and mid-terms), and such, but that's pretty mucy the extent of my involvement in the political process.

So, maybe this isn't really political, but as I was out driving the paved roads of G-Vegas today, I came upon a vehicle at a stop light, and it caught my eye: it was a Prius hybrid. The car of choice of the left-wing do-gooder. The car that does nothing to help the environment, but let's the owner pat himself on the back whenever he needs an ego boost. I know I've seen a few before, but something intrigued me this time. It was a car length or so in front of me, in the next lane, I couldn't help but wonder who was driving it. There were three or four red-lights in the upcoming stretch, so I was confident that I'd see the driver at some point. (This is the point where I mention that his left turn signal was on, implying he wanted to make a lane-change. Not today, buddy. Or crunchy chick.)

Then I saw it - the drivers window was own, arm dangling out. Dangling... dangling... dangling... a cigarette. I could now narrow it down - seeing the hairy appendage, I could deduce that there was an 85% chance that the driver was a male. 15% that it was a crunchy chick. As traffic began moving, I confirmed that there was an older male pressing the pedal to the Li-Ion cells. Crunchy little wife in the passenger seat. Fuzzy, yellow dice hanging from the mirror. Yes, fuzzy yellow dice.

So we're at the next red light, and it happened. Yet again, Mr. Environmentally Conscious is in the lane to the right of me, car-length a head and he takes a drag on the cigarette, dangles his arm out one last time... and drops the smoking butt on the ground. Money shot!

This bugs the hell out of me. I really don't have as big of a problem smokers as others, but I don't want to pull up to any of the many medians around the Upstate, and see where they have emptied their ashtrays into the streets. There are places I've seen with thousands of cigarette butts laying around. And I don't want to see them thrown from their windows going down the road, either.

Then it occurred to me that I've heard commercials promoting clean roads in South Carolina and some hotline to call when you see someone litter, so I jotted down Mr. Prius' tag number and the next time I was in front of the laptop, did a search and came up with this. I looked all over the page for an online form to report the errant butt and, finding none, realized that I was actually going to have to pick up the phone, dial a number to report it. Jeez, what next? Am I going to have to actually have to talk to a live person and tell them that some bozo threw a cigarette butt out his window?

Yes and yes. And, yes I did.

After all that effort on my part, Mr. Holier Than Thou Pius Hybrid Owner is going to be getting this in the mail, informing him that he's a litterbug.

I just hope he gets it the same day his car payment is due, Al Gore hits him up for a political donation - and his Prius battery dies an untimely death.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Die by my hand
I creep across the land
Killing first-born man
Die by my hand
I creep across the land
Killing first-born man

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Coast LED Dual Color Flashlight

Just in case anyone is looking for a great flashlight, I'd strongly advise you to take a look at this one. The Coast Dual Color LED has five white LEDs and one red LED, and it's the most useful flashlight I have ever owned and the only one I would recommend for travel. The white LEDs provide plenty of light for pretty much any situation, and the red LED is great for when you want to preserve your night vision, like when you are driving in the car and need to check directions. It's very light and compact, and uses three AAA batteries. Mine is still running strong on the original set after months of frequent use.
If you want to get really serious about it, there is a model that has a green and blue light as well, and models that have lasers that can be attached to your favorite pistol or assault weapon. The green light is supposed to be good for reading maps. My limited knowledge of firearms prevents me from commenting on how affective it would be for that purpose.
The Dual Color is available from Coast Cutlery.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hälsningar, Sweden!

Low Rollin' is HUGE in Sweden.


And since Low Rollin' is, by definition, all about the low stakes and rollin' on the cheap, we present to our vast Swedish audience...


Tack så mycket!

Friday, May 25, 2007

God Save the Queen


Really, folks. Thanks for all of the concern, but me and the Queen are still on real good terms.

Friday, February 16, 2007


I'm registered to play in the BloggerPods2 freeroll, scheduled for Sunday, March 4th at 7pm EST on Full Tilt Poker.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Shuck 'em Up and Deal

That this is happening in the City of Greer - within sight of the Greer Police Department, no less - amuses me.