Saturday, January 19, 2008

Light One Up For Fred

I'm with Fred in the '08 South Carolina GOP Primary. In the current climate (dominated by the new castrati), any candidate with the balls to buy a cigar in front of cameras is worthy of my vote.

Now, next week when the Democrat Party pollsters and campaigners start ringing my phone 15-20 times a night, I'm actually going to pick it up and have some fun with them whenever possible. I am, of course, going to do what the good Democrat's did in New Hampshire: I'm going to tell them that I'm voting for Barry (you know... the black guy). But, unlike the New Hampshire Democrats, I'm not going to go in the voting booth (because I will have already voted...) and vote for the white woman who only got to where she is because her husband cheated on her. (Update: Just in case you were still wondering, Chris Matthews has no balls.)

Photo courtesy the Greenville News

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